Across Spaces

This exhibit will be on display in the Tulsa-World | Lorton Family Gallery from February 4, 2025 to April 26, 2025. 

This exhibition explores the profound significance of the spaces that exist between moments, places, identities, and transitions. These in-between spaces, often elusive and difficult to define, are rich with potential. They offer a pause, a breath, and a chance for reflection and transformation.

Through their collaborative work, artists Irmgard Geul and Farooq Karim invite viewers to explore the energy and intention that thrives in these spaces of transition. Together, and individually, their art reflects personal histories, beliefs, and passions shaped by the spaces they occupy and the gaps they navigate.

The ongoing collaboration between Geul and Karim with a shared love for paper and fiber began in 2021 and continues to evolve in both their joint and individual practices. The exhibition reflects their commitment to exploring and interpreting the power of the in-between and invites viewers to contemplate the spaces in their own lives where rest, reflection, and transformation reside.

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